Book Review: “Terminal Breach” by Steve Bradshaw

If you look in the dictionary under thriller, you’d find the words Terminal Breach by Steve Bradshaw! But let me give you some advice. Get out your passport, and a notepad and pen before you read the first word. You’ll need both. He says it best when he writes that he manages to “craft a […]
How I READ a Book

How I READ a Book Until recently, I used to read books. But, a man in one of my book clubs inspired me to rethink my actions. He has a notebook where he records things he finds interesting about the books he reads. Needless to say, he’s able to contribute so much to our discussions. […]
Branding Your Writing Career by DiAnn Mills

Yesterday, I wrote a review of DiAnn Mills‘ latest novel, Fatal Strike, and provided a glimpse into how her amazing mind works. Today, you will have a chance to read what DiAnn has learned about branding, a word that’s taken on a completely different connotation in this day and age! Branding Your Writing Career by […]
Book Review: “Fatal Strike” by DiAnn Mills

I suggest reading DiAnn Mills’ latest book, Fatal Strike, in a secure location inside. But, if you insist on reading it outside, at least get your feet off the ground—and have a snake bite kit handy. Better yet, a gun! While DiAnn writes in several genres, she is best known for her romantic suspense novels. […]
From Difficult Roads to Beautiful Destinations
From Difficult Roads to Beautiful Destinations On a recent visit to Cracker Barrel, I found a plaque I had to have for my office. “Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.” So true! Every crisis or trauma in my life has birthed something good—a new opportunity, a terrific new friend, or a new direction that’s […]
MurderCon Or How to Learn Forensics In a Weekend

I watched as he threw another spade full of dirt out of the hole. Sweat formed on the back of my neck. Was that a shoe? He stopped. The woman squatting next to the grave confirmed it. And it had a foot inside. A plastic skeleton foot, mind you, but still…a frisson of excitement scooted […]
You Might Be a Mystery and Suspense Lover If…

Have you ever noticed a suspicious car drive up to a station while pumping gas?