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About Deborah Sprinkle

Background Check

Originally from St. Louis, Deborah received her bachelor’s degree in chemistry from the University of Missouri-St. Louis. She refuses to divulge when. She worked as a research chemist for many years at both St. Louis University Medical School and Washington University Medical School and co-authored two professional articles arising from her work with those institutions. In 1991, she and her family moved to Memphis, after spending eight years in northern Indiana. Everyone was happy about the move except for their middle-school-age daughter, who said they were ruining her life. Debbie completed her teaching certification at what was then called Memphis State and taught chemistry for ten years at a private girls’ school in Memphis before retiring.

It wasn’t until she retired that she even thought about writing. But, she realized if she didn’t make a plan, she’d sit around eating bonbons and watching the Hallmark channel all day! So she prayed about it and came up with three things: attend Bible study at her church, join a book club, and write a mystery. The first two were easy. The novel took a little longer.

But after a lot of work and a lot of prayers, it finally happened. She found an agent and then a publisher, and in 2019 Deadly Guardian hit the virtual stands.

She’s released a book a year since then—remember, she’s not young—with two coming out in 2024. And that about did her in.

To her credit, she’s taken on some new roles since this journey began. Besides the role of grandmother twice and great aunt four times! She now serves on the board for the Mid-South Christian Writer’s Conference and is a founding member of the ERASERS, five writers who started a Facebook group aimed at encouraging and supporting both readers and writers.

There’s a lot more she could tell you, but she’ll save it for sweet tea shared on the porch together. Have a blessed day.