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Rainstorm by Cindy Bonds: A Book Review

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Make sure to read Rainstorm by Cindy Bonds in a place where you feel safe and secure with the lights on. Set in Cave Springs, Arkansas, in the fall, much of the action takes place in the rain. The weather mirrors the inner storms of the heroine.

Laurel Ashburn, complete with skills and scars she gains while serving in the military, is the heroine of the piece. After her time in service, she returns to Arkansas where she must face old scars. She battles her way through the book struggling to right wrongs and protect those she loves. But after all she’s endured to this point, she’s lost faith in God and strives to do everything on her own. She pokes her nose into the wrong places and her stubborn insistence on not asking for or accepting any help, nearly gets her killed.

Until an unwanted ally in Detective Dev Hollister enters the picture. New to Cave Springs, he refuses to listen to all the negative talk about Laurel and persists in following the path God has put on his heart. Besides being a good action story, Rainstorm by Cindy Bonds is also a story of salvation. Dev determines not only to protect Laurel and help her, but to show her that God still loves her and has always loved her.

In Rainstorm by Cindy Bonds, Laurel Ashburn and Detective Dev Hollister journey together through a well-crafted story of twists and turns to find the truth, fight evil, and learn to trust each other.

Get Rainstorm on Amazon along with Cindy Bonds’ debut novel, Hostage.